I used to be a fish bum

I used to be a fish bum. It’s been a long, cold winter. I’ve been thinking a lot about fishing lately, where to go in upstate NY, where to put the new kayak in for ponds, how I’m going to fair on the Au Sable, or will I look like a fool. Either way, theContinue reading “I used to be a fish bum”

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Yes Virginia, there really are brook trout in Massachusetts

Between moving, “trying” to go to grad school, a new job and family, it’s been a difficult time to try and make some fishing memories around my new state.  A month or so ago (it may have been longer), I got a full day to explore some new water.  There’s a fine line between beingContinue reading “Yes Virginia, there really are brook trout in Massachusetts”

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Maine Troutbum – Day 2 with Pigs

  Day two started out as planned.  We were up at 5:30 am, and on the road by 6:00 am, heading to a hole that fished great in the fall.  When we hit the trailhead, there were fisherman everywhere.  With so much pressure, we decided to hit one of my father in law’s favorite ponds.  WeContinue reading “Maine Troutbum – Day 2 with Pigs”

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